Home > 2023 > February

What is nail psoriasis?

Before starting to talk about nail psoriasis, we must define what a nail is to understand. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will explain everything to you in this article. Keep reading! Nails are actually part of the skin. The nails grow from the matrix which is the root of the nail which is located just under the cuticle. Psoriasis affects the skin and leads to nail psoriasis by causing a change

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Take care of your hands and nails for a successful manicure

Before talking to you about nail art, know that you must take care of your hands and your nails. Indeed, if you don't, not only will your manicure not hold, but it won't look pretty as well. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will give you ideas. Keep reading! Care for perfect hands Of course, you will need to moisturize your hands daily if you want to take care of them. For the

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4 techniques for using an electric nail file safely

In order to use a electric nail drill safely, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you some useful techniques. Keep reading! If you're ready to get started, here are some handy tips: 1. Use a slow speed for cuticle work. Cuticles are sensitive and thin, and accidental filing not only damages the nail bed, it's painful. 2. Use medium speed for backfilling. When you file the fill or concave area of the nail, you

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